A user account is necessary to access the LiensNC filing system. For security reasons, please do not share your account information with others.

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A username and password are required to access LiensNC filing data.

Usernames cannot be changed after the account has been created, but passwords can be changed at any time.

Only one account is necessary, and LiensNC login information does not expire.
LiensNC account information helps identify the user.

Users need to have access to the email address associated with their account since it will be where LiensNC sends the password reset link in the event that they forget their password.
All users are required to have filing profile information on file with their user account.

To save time and improve accuracy, users can assign their saved profile information to auto-populate into future filings.

All users (whether filing or not) are required to create an account profile. When enabled, the filing data saved to your profile will automatically populate during the submission of Appointment of and/or Notice to Lien Agent online forms.

Learn more about profiles →

Time-Saving Tip:
Select Yes to have your saved profile information auto-populate into your future filings. (Note: You will still be able to edit filing information before submitting.)

Select No if you prefer to manually enter your filing information for each entry submitted.
Yes    No

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website should not be considered legal advice. Users are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of filings as mandated in Chapter 44-A, Article 2, of the NC General Statutes.

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